Coaching is a safe space to break free of survival mode,

find inner strength and resourcefulness to re-gain control,

and flex our power through the uncertainties of life.

Balancing life is hard enough,

you don’t have to do it alone!!

Together, we’ll shift perceptions to a place of inspiration,

where you have the confidence and support to conquer change. 

Just imagine what becomes possible then.

Coaching has the power to change your life!

What I Offer


Coaching is a thought-provoking, creative process and one that will inspire you to maximize your full potential and create impactful and lasting change.

It provides a space to think and a chance to get out of your own head to examine different perspectives.  With reflection comes clarity, and the opportunity to turn negativity and frustration into positive actions and big changes.

I will work with you on any topic to bring a better understanding of your true self.  Together we will work to understand your current behaviours and their impacts, create tangible goals and customized action plans that reflect your deepest priorities and values.

 “Inspiring others to achieve the unthinkable”


Did you know….  It’s the Nervous System’s job to protect us at all costs, our emotional and physical response to trauma is our body’s way of keeping us safe.

Coaching through a trauma informed lens brings awareness to the nuances of trauma and how it shows up in your life.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and freedom.”  – Viktor Frankl

 When we understand our behavioural responses and the reasons they surface, then we can then begin to create sustainable change.  Being prepared with a plan to anticipate our bodies reactions will give us more control over our responses in the moment.

By doing this, we are enabling our inner strength and resilience to create desired responses, and build a path forward into a new future!


first responders

Because being a first responder isn’t hard enough ….

I understand the nuances of the work, stressors, and the adaptive behaviours that are often develop just as a means to survive.

As first responders, we’re really good at burying our thoughts and feelings, which in my experience, often manifest into anxiety, depression, addictions, etc.  Before we even know it, they’ve crept into our lives and created this whole different person.

Whether you’re after a preventative measure or maneuvering your way through existing trauma, coaching is a safe space to bring awareness yourself and create healthier behaviours.

Take care of yourself,

so you can take care of others!

Explore what drives your behavioural tendencies and create a greater understanding of when, where, and how they’ll show up.  This will help you take control and plan for a healthier response.   

Why Coaching?

Trauma doesn’t have to define who we are, it may be part of our journey, but we get to decide how our story goes!

Leverage your own strengths and values.

Give you the confidence to believe in new possibilities that will drive your change.

Find your purpose so you can live with intention, meaning and value.

Fall in love with your passions all over againand connect with your truest values!

Create self-awareness and the inner resources to anticipate problems and trouble shoot as they arise.  

Break free from survival mode to re-gain control. 

Invest in yourself to create positive changes in your life!

We are amazing and resilient people, each with unique talents, gifts and passions. 

I would be honoured to speak with you personally and potentially play a role in your transformation.

Trauma Recovery         Work/Life Balance        Career Planning/Advancement        Leadership

Motivation          Finding Balance          Retirement Planning    

Pursue a Goal       Become Healthier

Invest in yourself to create positive changes in your life!

We are amazing and resilient people, each with unique talents, gifts and passions.

I would be honoured to speak with you personally and potentially play a role in your transformation.

Trauma Recovery

Work/Life Balance

Career Planning/Advancement



Finding Balance

Retirement Planning    

Pursue a Goal

Become Healthier

About Coach Jen

Jennifer is an ICF Certified Life Coach and Certified Trauma Informed – Post Trauma Growth Coach.  She pursued coaching following a 25-year career in law enforcement.

Throughout her policing career, Jennifer’s emphasis was on leadership.  Her personal values and passions were truly being fulfilled when she was helping develop, coach and mentor employees.  Her authenticity and commitment to her values of honesty, integrity, respect, and compassion contributed to her success as a leader, and keep her grounded in life.

With her policing experience comes a personal understanding of the darker side and impacts that repeated exposure to trauma creates.  She has suffered through chronic stress, the lows of depression, anxiety, the effects of PTSD, and has been in a place where she couldn’t see a way out.

With years of hard work, perseverance, and some stubbornness, Jennifer found her path to healing.   She not only found the light she’d been missing, but it’s now shining on her brighter than ever.

Jennifer truly believes healing is a journey, one which has led her to Post Trauma Growth Coaching, where she continues to serve and help others navigate their way through life.  Jennifer comes from a place of understanding and is dedicated to giving others a resource for healing; a way forward that wasn’t there when she needed it.

Jennifer is an advocate of Mental Health and believes that trauma doesn’t have to define who we are.  It may be part of our journey, but ultimately, we get to decide how our own story plays out.

Working with Jennifer provides a safe space to respect your past, honour your present, and transform your future.  It’s a place where you can break free of survival mode, by creating personal awareness and finding your inner strength and resourcefulness.  It’s here you will build new habits, create resiliency, and take back your control by creating lasting change.

Jennifer Jackson, ACC TICC


Associate Certified Coach International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Solution Focused Coaching Diploma Erickson Coaching International
Certified Trauma Informed Coach  Moving the Human Spirit
25 years of operational & administrative police experience.
Certificate in Police Leadership  Dalhousie University
Certified Police Coach Dalhousie University
Leading Teams           Leading Strategic Planning                        Change Leadership    Leadership Communication   U of A Extension

Book a Complimentary Consult today!

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kristin a.

Jennifer is an amazing life coach! I was struggling with moving forward in my career, in particular having confidence applying for promotions. Jennifer listened to where my heart and mind were at and through guided questions and exercises helped me come up with my own solutions. Not only did I gain more confidence in the promotion process but in every aspect of my life. My few found confidence increased my self esteem and I began using strategies from our coaching sessions towards my overall wellness and other important areas of my life. As a result of working with Jennifer, I have been active in the promotions process, lost 50lbs and have trained and completed a half marathon. Jennifer allowed me to recognize my value and self worth and for this I am beyond grateful and proud. Thank you Jennifer for being the amazing person you are and for helping me recognize this within myself. I highly recommend her services!!!!”

Kamal C.

When first connected with Jennifer, I had reached a huge block in my next step, it seemed that I had tackled the issue from every aspect with no apparent solution. I was stuck in a loop of thought which seemed to continue to drag me down. Jennifer managed to have incredible patience and calmness during this thought tornado and ask questions that completely halted these thoughts and gave me a new perspective to actually find the right action to take me into the next necessary step in my business. Jennifer has a very kind and welcoming presence that makes you feel at ease and allows you to let go of the weight and heaviness you didn’t notice you were carrying on your shoulders. I extended my deepest gratitude to Jennifer for helping me out in some of my very trying times through her smile and empowering questions. I highly recommend working with Jennifer if you are looking to reignite the passion and purpose in your life. She is my first choice when I need to untangle my thoughts and …

DJS – February 2023 

“I have used Jennifer as my coach for the past three months, and it has been an enlightening experience.  I was a little nervous to use a LifeCoach, as I am a very private person.  However, Jennifer has a very gentle and compassionate demeanor.  This put me at ease and instilled a sense of trust, which I appreciated.  Each week as we talked, she was able to hone in on an issue or personality characteristic I felt inadequate about.  With her intuitive questioning, I was better able to understand myself, and my needs; turning around my assumed weaknesses into strength and growth and understanding.  We discussed some past trauma in my life and helped me release some of my negative emotions and recognize that my past trauma does not define who I am, but instead helped me develop self-compassion and self-healing,  I can recommend Jennifer without reservation as your traum coach.”